Men’s Great Banquet #193

 April 13th - 16th, 2023 Weekend Countdown Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) Team ListConfirmed GuestsTable List LAY DIRECTOR(Staying Power) Brad Egbert ASSISTANT LAY DIRECTORSDan Wallace(Discovering Priorities) Leriegus Davis SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS(Sacramental...

Women’s West Kentucky Correctional Complex #24

 March 3rd - 4th, 2023 Weekend Countdown Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) Team List LAY DIRECTOR (Establishing Priorities) Lisa Ladd PRAYER CAPTAIN  MUSIC  SPEAKERS & TABLE LEADERS(Dying Moments & Communion Explanation) (The Way, the Truth, and...

Men’s Hopkins County Detention Center #32

 February 24th - 25th, 2023 Weekend Countdown Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) Team List LAY DIRECTOR (Staying Power) Chad Carroll ASSISTANT LAY DIRECTORSJeff Embry(Discovering Priorities) Brandon West SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS(Sacramental Grace) Scott...

Great Banquet #192 Sherry Hobgood

Almost 3 years ago I said YES to serve as Lay Director on GB 192. To me every opportunity to serve in any capacity The Lord & this banquet community is an honor. Due to circumstances in  the USA & around the world that brought so many things in our culture to...

Sponsor Someone!

Sponsors: Have you been thinking about sponsoring someone on the Great Banquet? Now is the time to ask and have applications completed and turned in. If you have any questions, contact Jason Eastwood at 270-452-1313.