News & Events

Sponsor Someone!

Sponsors: Have you been thinking about sponsoring someone on the Great Banquet? Now is the time to ask and have applications completed and turned in. If you have any questions, contact Jason Eastwood at 270-452-1313.

Bed Setup & Take Down

Bed Setup is each Wednesday night before a weekend at 6pm.

Bed Takedown is each Sunday morning at 7am.

Community Lay Director Eric Brown

Great Banquet Family, I just want to give God all the glory for what He is doing through us.  It never ceases to amaze me how He transform lives with just our undivided attention.  If long ago, we knew what we know now, imagine the possibilities.  Our Spring banquet...

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Great Banquet #188 Jenny Dennis

Great Banquet family, I am still trying to come up with accurate words to describe serving as Lay Director for Great Banquet #188. I am in awe of the team that God put together and how He orchestrated everything. It truly is amazing to watch everyone doing their own...

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Great Banquet #187 Melinda McGaw

DeColores, Great Banquet Community! I was honored and humbled to have been asked to be the Lay Director for the Women’s Great Banquet #187. I am eternally grateful for the Great Banquet itself because it is the tool God used to reveal Himself and His free gift of...

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Community Lay Director Eric Brown

Hello Banquet Community! I am excited  about the 2019 Spring Great Banquet Season.  Our meetings are going well and the teams are praying for each other and the guest who hear the call of God.  I encourage all of you to consider friends, church members, acquaintances,...

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Community Lay Director Eric Brown

Banquet Community, This Fall was an amazing season for the Banquet Community and I want to thank each and every one of you who participated in any way. None of this would be possible without the love and support you graciously provide. It’s is truly a blessing when...

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Great Banquet #184 Lay Director Andy Bell

Hello GB Community, Being selected as GB #184 Lay Director was an honor and privilege. I was so blessed to be a part of this team and this weekend. I was able to sit back and watch God bring full circle what He had started in my life 11 years ago on Great Banquet...

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Great Banquet #185 Lay Director Becca Tiller

I enjoyed every minute of being Lay Director during this fall season. I am still humbled by the whole experience. I am always in awe of how God works through each of us during these weekends. It's always amazing to see the whole community come together and bring...

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Community Lay Director Summer 2018

De Colores Great Banquet Community, I am so grateful for the support you all showed the team and the guest this past Spring banquet season.  It is an honor calling you all my brothers and sisters in Christ.  God is good… Let me give thanks to all those who were on the...

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Great Banquet #181 Lay Director Mike Eubanks

Great Banquet Community,   Being this year’s spring Lay Director meant the end of a season for me and the starting of a new season. As sad as that may sound, the Joy I received by serving in this role allowed me to reflect back at the journey that brought me to...

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January 2025

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